Sunday, March 28, 2010

replacement of icat anavoidable

We bought icat in february 2007 with pan-option and extended warranty till february 2012
Actually there is not even the pan-option shown on the computer. Probably due to the frequent software and acquisition computer crashes we always had networking problems (dicoms not available in all operatories). Nevertheless we were enthusiastic about the possibility to take immediate 3d-pictures.

Since the breakdown of the first x-ray tube, the kavo group (imaging sciences, kavo, gendex, instrumentarium dental, soredex) was till today unable to put our icat back in working conditions. Since July 2009 I delegated the task of getting the kavo group to honor the till february 2010 paid extended warranty by properly repairing the icat without any success.

Instead of honoring the extended warranty they use a big lawyer office trying to intimidate me.

In a couple of days I will post the link to my webpage with all the documents, so everybody can build his own opinions on facts
- not working at all at taking of evidence by court on 10th march 2010
- letters of kavo lawyers
- bills of delivery from kavo when trying to get icat working
- confirmation of payment of extended warranty
- many of my emails, mostly not answered at all
- proof that we escalated this issue up to the CEO of the kavo group without any avail
- when icat hoaxed into working (many restarts), absolutely inaccceptable horrible abominable inacceptable picture quality
- inacceptable data losses of taken pictures when icat was functioning from january 2007 till may 2008 (when the hard disk of the acquisition computer was full at the end of 2007, the kavo group demanded that we place at their disposal a dedicated windows server. We complied immediately but they never teached their service personal about the icatserver)
- kavo does not obey and not honor the x-ray law

We tried everything to avoid loosing our whole investment in the icat, by trying over month to get it repaired by the kavo group (extended warranty was paid and valid). We asked during the last 2 weeks all other dental suppliers in our area for help. They all declined because as expected have no certified technicians for the icat.

So after 9 month of this ordeal we had to take the decision to replace our icat, otherwise the damage to our dental office would even be greater than the write-off of the icat.

I will in future post all relevant documents on

Johann Wochl


Blogger jowo said...

We will post all documents on
Johann Wochl

3:12 PM  
Blogger devery said...

Wow what a terrible situation. I certainly have had my complaints about the merger and the disturbing no return phone calls, unless one is persistent, but I have always gotten results. Where is your practice?

10:03 PM  
Blogger devery said...

This machine was purchased in Austria and the dealer who sold the machine and warranty went out of business.

3:31 PM  

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