Wednesday, April 19, 2006

AADMRT Newsletter Sugestions

I would like some suggestions of subjects from this group as what the next few issues of the AADMRT Currents feature article should be. The editor (Camille) and I have the spring issue done (members should get this next week), and we have a Dr. to author a future article lined up (on CBCT again), but I wanted to get a poll if members are getting tired of CBCT articles?

I know this may not be the best forum for this question, but I do not have any other forum to ask. Please post an idea for Camille and I at this blog, as what you would like to read in a future issue of Currents. If you have an author, please let us know, otherwise we can find a writer.

We just don’t know if members are getting tired of hearing about CBCT…………..

Thank you,



Blogger Eric Iwamoto said...

Camille and Craig: An article that explains the correct ADA and medical codes to use for CBCT would be very useful. What code do you specify for DDI patients? The ADA will have a new code book later this year that should include a specific code for cone beam imaging. Some Imaging centers are reluctant to use the D0999-Unspecified Diagnostic Procedure so they use D0322 Tomography survey. The problem is that some insurance companies consider D0322 a TMJ code so they deny the claim.
Does DDI recommend submitting to the patient's medical insurance? If so, what code do you use? Does any imaging center consistently obtain patient reimbursement regarding cone beam imaging for TMJ or implants?
As cone beam becomes the imaging of choice, the AADMRT members need to be informed of the latest information regarding this important subject.

9:57 AM  
Blogger Craig Dial said...

Thank you Eric for posting an opinion and an idea. With the long list of names on the side bar, I have a hard time believing people do not have a thought or a comment about what they would like to read about in a future newsletter.

Come on people, tell us what you what to know more about! This blog is set up for you and I to voice our ideas, so lets hear them!

Here are a few sugestions to get this going:

Cephalometrics and tracings
Billing medical and dental
Networking your imaging center
Radiation Safety
Technical CBCT issues
Voxel size vs scan time
Volume Averaging
Designing imaging protocols to meet imaging needs
Case specific imaging goals
Storing mass data on your network
Dose values
Orthodontic imaging goals

7:19 AM  
Blogger devery said...

These are issues that I would like to read about
The success of orthodontic merge with the CBCT.
Storing mass data on your network.
Using Camtasia for video presentation.

8:57 AM  
Blogger devery said...

These are issues that I would like to read about
The success of orthodontic merge with the CBCT.
Storing mass data on your network.
Using Camtasia for video presentation.

8:57 AM  
Blogger devery said...

OOps I am just not the "techi" I think I am.

8:59 AM  
Blogger Duane said...

I am interested in the longevity of the ICAT or NewTom or any other CBCT machine selling at $150,000 or more. I have been in the business 20 years now and have lost a huge orthodontic base to advanced technical advances where prices have made it much more feasible for dentists to buy their own equipment and stop outsourcing to imaging labs.
Will the same thing happen in 1 year or 2-5 years with CBCT machines? It sounds like Japan is ready to market a panoramic size CBCT machine for just implant use. What will its price be?
I know Utah is a weird state when it comes to outsourcing dental images. After 20 years, I haven't changed anyone's mind yet. Thank goodness for Imaging Sciences providing me with a state-of-the-art CBCT that is so "damn" expensive that dentists can't buy one for their own office. My CBCT referral has tripled since January, 2006.
Updated articles about manufactures new machines, cost, etc. would be helpful for our future plannning.
Thanks to you all for sharaing

2:35 PM  
Blogger Matt Kroona said...

The one periodical I pretty much always read from cover to cover is "Bass Player Magazine" (what a surprise!). I'm sure many of you subscribe to similar publications, covering subjects and people who share your passions. Often, the articles I find most interesting are either about people who do what I do, only in a DIFFERENT way, OR, about people who do things I NEVER do, but after reading about them, I am challenged to step a bit away from the center of my comfort zone. There lies the challenge. Please, continue to include articles about subjects and people who are familiar to us, AND, continue to search for subjects, people, technology, ideas, etc., that are kinda wacky, quirky, out of the ordinary, stimulating, mind stretching, etc. I realize this might be difficult considering you are working on a quarterly publication with only one main article, but you guys have done a great job over the years and the little piece on Carol Anderson in the last issue is just another great example of taking something that we all do and putting a name AND a face on it. Keep up the good work!

3:18 PM  
Blogger Craig Dial said...

Thank you all for publishing your ideas for up coming newsletters. Camille and I will take your ideas, and try to incorporate them into future publications. I hope more of you will post your thoughts here; it would be of great benefit to the AADMRT. If any of you bloggers are not familiar with this group, please log onto


10:04 AM  

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