Let's Get Some Buzz Going!!!
Hey! Let's get some buzz going on the new version of the i-CAT that I recently heard about. What are some of the features? I heard that it doesn't need the 2 hour warm up. Is the image receptor larger? Is it an upgrade for older machines? If so, how much for the upgrade? I'm sure ISI will have lots of details in San Antonio but somebody must have some information they can "leak" out early. Come on you guys!!! Spill!!!
I'm ready for an upgrade, we use our CT for ortho scans which are full scans that take 40 seconds and it's hard to keep children still that long, bring it on!
I attended the ADA convention to check out the new and improved i-CAT at the ISI booth. I wasn't that impressed. I think the "classic" is in good contention with the competitors. The new i-CAT has a different head positioner, does not move the x-ray tube up and down; only the chair and is using i-CAT vision which has hic cups (what else is new). There is a rotating receptor and 8.5 second scan. The resolution is 14 bit. The new software is available so let's all call ISI now.
I checked out their competitors and wasn't that impressed espceially since their software is not shareable. Had some great bells and whistles.
Anyone using i-Dent? I am attending a seminar this Friday.
Forgot one important thing. The upgrade costs around $35,000 to $40,000.
You're talking about the i-Cat Vision software that's available now right? I'm surprised it's not on their web site yet.
As far as the upgrade goes...I'd pay $40,000 for an upgrade that would take put me ahead of the pack and cover me until 2010, but I'm not interested in taking on a bunch of problems and headaches. My CPA suggested I look at purchasing some new equipment before the end of the year. I guess I'll have to look at something else and wait to do the i-Cat upgrade.
you could buy a car like I did. I was told by Mark that the new version of i-CAT vision was officially released.
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