i-CAT Brochure
Well...I just sent out 200 of the i-CAT brochures that ISI sent me a few weeks ago, along with a bi-fold brochure about the i-CAT services offered at my lab, highlighting the i-CAT Vision software and the 3DVR annimated models we offer. PLUS, next week I am sending out followup postcards inviting 100 select doctors to a Saturday morning seminar that I am hosting at the Rib Company (where we had our May user group meeting). I'm planning on a 3 hour demonstration of the i-CAT, 3DVR and i-CAT Vision software, with time after lunch to do some "hands on" training with those who brought their laptops. I'm hoping to get 20-30 responses. What do you think? Will people come on a Saturday morning in June? I'll keep you posted.
It seems like the time is right for this technology to break out. What do you think?
It seems like the time is right for this technology to break out. What do you think?
I'll be very interested to see what happens. I am thinking of doing something similar.
I guess great minds run in the same direction. I,too, have put together a mailer. I haven't mailed it yet and am interested in what group(s) of doctors you mailed to? I also am in the process of trying to put together financing for another imaging lab about 40 miles from my current one to offer just images from the I-CAT. I should know by next week.
I hope your lunch and demo goes well I've done that in the past and it was an utter failure BUT I didn't have the I-CAT at the time SO I think you will do well.
Good Luck and thanks for your input.
Well, my seminar went well but I was disappointed in the attendance. I had 5 RSVP but only 4 showed up. I ended up doing it my lab, which was nice and personal but I would rather have had 20 and had to buy them all lunch. I'm glad I did this and would like to do it again, but I think I need a better way to attract doctors. I'm thinking about doing it again in the fall but I may try offering CE units instead of lunch. That might generate a little more interest.
Sorry to hear about your low turnout. It sounds like you made a good effort. Another suggestion to get your 20 or so in attendance is to ask if you can attend a local study group and see if they will let you present your software and CBCT technology. This usually works and it allows you to see more on their side than imaging alone. Good luck, and keep it up.
I think Cont. Ed. may be the key to a good turn out. 2 of the 5 that respoded to my invite asked about CE. NEXT TIME!
You will need to apply to the State to pass out Cont. Ed. credti. If you need to know how, ask Carol at DDI Sac. She can help you with it.
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