Sunday, May 07, 2006

User meeting Sunday, April 7, Costa Mesa

Twenty-one i-CAT users met together at the Newport Rib Company in Costa Mesa on Sunday, May 7, for a day of sharing information as well as food and friendship. The facility was perfect, the food was fabulous, the service splendid, the information challenging & informative, and as always, the friendship was... well... if you've ever been to one of these... YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT ABOUT!!! Special thanks go out to Eric for the fruit and bagels, Tina for the great service, Randy for his expertise (and for our lunch), Liz for her wealth of knowledge, Zack for his presentation, Fran for letting us use his banquet room for the whole day, and for all those who stayed in town an extra day just to talk about their i-CAT. Our next meeting will be at the fall convention in Montery. In the mean time, keep using this blog to stay in touch and to stay up on the latest developments in this ever changing field.


Blogger Marcelle said...

We would like to add our thanks as well and also thank you Matt! All your hard work is very appreciated! See you in October.

Peggy & Marcelle

3:53 PM  
Blogger Matt Kroona said...

Thanks! I enjoyed the day. I got my iCATVision to work and am learning at home on my laptop but it keeps shutting down, especially when I try to go to the tmj screen. Any ideas how I can reduce or eliminate the problem? I'm going to try it on a different computer in a minute and see if that helps. Also, I think I can come up with a way to burn everything on one disk (if the data isn't too large). I'll let you know if I have any success.

7:36 PM  
Blogger Marcelle said...

We had lots of trouble with the .3 scans in iCATVision kicking us out of the TMJ screen. We were told to go to a .4 scan and have not had any more trouble! Remember you can reconstruct that .3 to a .4 if you kept the raw data.

9:19 AM  
Blogger Matt Kroona said...

I've been using .4mm scans. The only one I have consistant trouble with is the TMJ screen. Liz tells me this will be fixed by the next version. Looking forward to it. I have to say I'm a little bummed I've missed out on this for so long. I guess it's good to come in just in time for the upgrade.

6:58 PM  

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