Sunday, September 30, 2007

Printer Article

If you would like to read a juicy, mouth watering article about various printers including due sublimation, ink jet and laser jets, look in the latest Dolphin Echoes Newsletter. To access, go to , check on the Echoes newsletter tab in the left column, scroll down to Tips and Tricks and click on CAMERA ADVICE. Bon apetit!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Let's Get Some Buzz Going!!!

Hey! Let's get some buzz going on the new version of the i-CAT that I recently heard about. What are some of the features? I heard that it doesn't need the 2 hour warm up. Is the image receptor larger? Is it an upgrade for older machines? If so, how much for the upgrade? I'm sure ISI will have lots of details in San Antonio but somebody must have some information they can "leak" out early. Come on you guys!!! Spill!!!