Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Is anyone using 360imaging for there conversions and rad. reports? Do you have any comments about this company?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The cool gadgets just keep coming!!!

Check out this cool new application for the new i-phone.

You can view the complete new i-phone demo at the link below. The anatomy software at about 40% of the way through is worth looking at also.


Thursday, June 05, 2008

Insurance codes for i-CAT

Dr. Trevino from Pacific Dental Imaging just called me and inquired about the proper insurance codes for the i-CAT. This is what I currently have for cone beam CT:

Current Dental Terminology (CDT) codes:

DO360 cone beam ct-craniofacial data capture:includes axial, coronal and sagittal data.

DO362 cone beam - two dimensional image reconstruction using existing data, includes multiple images.

DO363 cone beam- three dimensional image reconstruction using existing data, includes multiple images.

Notice that code DO360 is described as data capture while DO362 and DO 363 is considered reconstruction. Which procedure codes does your facility use for the i-CAT? Do you use one, two or all three of the codes for the i-CAT?

What code(s) do you use for TMJ? Do you use the cone beam code ( if so, which one?) or the DO322 tomographic code or DO321 other temporomandibular joint films, by report? DO320 is temporomandibular joint arthograms including injection, so that doesn't work.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

i-CAT Vision v.

Bug Alert!! We downloaded the new i-CAT Vision software, and in working with it discovered a bug in the Nerve Canal estimator. If you rotate the skull in the preview screen (raise the chin up on the lateral view, straighten on the frontal view, or straighten the pano view), the nerve canal estimator does not work correctly. For example - in the preview screen, I raised the chin up and rotated the frontal view slightly. I then went into the implant screen and opened the nerve canal estimator function. When I right click on the 4 foramina, the mental foramina are way down at the border of the mandible. When I completed the nerve canal function, the pink line is drawn way out of whack, does not follow the canal at all. I spoke with technical support, and we think the nerve canal function is using the original skull, not the rotated skull, even though the rotated skull is the one that show up on the implant screen. If I use the nerve canal estimator without rotating the skull, it works just fine. This finding is being sent on the the software guru's at Imaging Sciences to fix. Just thought everyone would like to know!!!

Overall - I like alot of the new features in this new version.
