Friday, June 22, 2007

1st Int'l Congress on 3D Dental Imaging

Is anyone going to this meeting 7/13-14? It sounds good but I'm not sure I need to go. Well, I am looking for an excuse to go to New York...............Marcelle

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Imaging Marketing

Hello i-CAT Family,

My name is Amos Nadler and I am thankful for the opportunity to join your blog. I had the pleasure of meeting many of you in Monterey last fall when I presented a talk on "Inside Out Marketing & Branding". While at the conference I learned about the challenges radiography centers face, heard about the incredible developments in the field, and even saw whales and dolphins. I'll never forget it.

I am the President and Chief Creative Officer of Imaging Marketing, a company dedicated to supporting i-CAT owners by providing effective marketing tools and strategies to help grow their practices. Fresh concepts and ideas are constantly being developed and it's always great to hear what your needs are so we can offer you more focused, creative, and effective solutions.

Please email me at , or call 541.556.6713 with questions about marketing strategy, ROI analysis or anything else marketing and branding related. I love this field and appreciate the opportunity to serve you.



Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Storage & Backups

How long is everyone storing their images for immediate retrieval? How are you archiving for long term? What are you doing to extend the computer storage capacity? My computer tech wants to know how everyone is backing up their images, redundancy, and what your disaster recovery plan is if your server goes down. Obviously, ours is pretty well maxed out and are looking to plan a better system. Any ideas?